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Be Authentic in your personal, family and professional relationships

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Live your life aligned with what you say you do.

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Live your life aligned with whom you really are.

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Transform life in balance between your relationships and yourself.

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What can I do for you

Relationship Magic

Couple appointments or Family appointments to authentically and intimately communicate in your romantic or family relationships

Soul Awakening

Private appointments with Women and Men to deep healing and transformation of the Feminine and the Masculine

Emotional Training

Sessões individuais com colaborador@s e programas de grupo para equipas em situação crítica em empresas e organizações


Cristina Silva
"I feel I am now in a place where I respect myself (...)
"Luís, I want to Thank with all my heart all the help and work we have been doing. I've been feeling a huge evolution. I Feel I am now in a place where I respect myself, where I knew boundaries, You made me look at several questions always with Your support and deconstructing fears and blocks in order to open paths while keeping myself in my own self."
Grateful for having helped me and supported in this growth."
Joana Liz Filipe
Cristina Silva
Cristina Silva
"Today I know that I am an example of overcoming (...)"
"A part of me always thought, since I remember of myself, that in a way, I would have to prove to my parents, that they had reasons to be proud of me. As the first of the third generation, I carried the burden and responsibility of transmitting to the following generations, the best examples, and conduct, personal, professional and spiritual best practices.
1 year ago I concluded that the only responsibility I have is for myself and to constantly overcome myself.
Your help was invaluable. In a subliminal, intimate and empathetic way, you managed to guide me and led me to situations and circumstances that allowed me to frame and make them an anchor and support for my future life. I finally realized what limited me even in personal relationships.
Today I know that I am an example of overcoming, I am a breeze in someone's face and the levitation and lightness that so many need. I do it without the burden of responsibility to bear the other's burden. I open doors, break boundaries and prisons naturally. Love is the only force capable of overcoming paradigms, beliefs, thoughts and making the world move. It is the transforming force.
Gratitude for being love and in this way helping to find the resources that we thought were lost or discovering the ones that we didn't think existed. Today I know that I have always been and will be the rainbow in the lives of everyone around me, simply because I was born to shine.
Gratitude for everything, today and always. "
Cristina Silva
Cristina Silva
Isabel Viegas
"(...) allowed me to do a very deep job and thus heal my inner wounds."
“Luís is a therapist with incredible sensitivity! He accompanied me on my inner travels, giving me the security I needed to go to the deepest part of myself and work and that I had to work.
He uses several tools, such as music, sounds, visualizations, ..., which allowed me to do a very deep job and thus heal my inner wounds.
Thank you Luís, for your wisdom and dedication. ”

Isabel Viegas
Isabel Viegas
Ricardo Franco
"I feel now in a performance in terms of work and relationship with others as I believe I never had."
“The experience with Luís was a personal and interior discovery. It is as if there are forces, energies that I didn't know I had. When working with Luís it is as if there was an unlock. It has been almost two months and a lot of positive things have happened. When I looked for Luís I was neither in depression nor in anguish. It was even something that I realized was at a good time in my life and I thought it was a good time to try to do a lot of gymnastics to the brain and emotions. I feel now in a performance in terms of work and relationship with others as I believe I never had. It is also a lot of work for me, but I believe that for unblocking that meeting with Luís was fundamental or influenced a good part of the success and happiness that I am experiencing at the moment. I think this is the biggest victory of our meetings. "
Ricardo Franco
Ricardo Franco
Sandra Simões
"(...) it helped to embrace my strengths and desires."
“Luís is a fantastic being, a soul of light, who guides us and allows us to go on our way without realizing it. Deals with (our) fragility with a lot of lap and a unique emotional listening. I can say that in addition to being an excellent person, he is a professional who observes, is present and allows you to put in front of yourself what you need to face to unlock what may be blocking your natural path.
I am very grateful for the day I came across Luís and I was able to be welcomed with great affection, in my weaknesses and fears, as well as helping to embrace my strengths and desires. ”

Sandra Simões
Sandra Simões
Fernando Fernandes
"(...) has the ability to walk side by side with us at every step, in the most genuine, pure and compassionate way."
"Luís is one of the easiest people to connect with.
After that comes the magic ... first we put the expectation of finding answers through Luís, his knowledge, his calm and tranquil way that fills our Soul.
But expectations quickly go down the drain.
Because the answers we seek do not come through Luís… and that is the main differentiating element provided.
In reality, the answers we often seek do not come from outside, the purest ones come from within!
However, if we don't ask the right questions we will never get the right answers…
And it is in this unique path of discovering questions and answers, answers and questions that Luís has the ability to walk side by side with us at every step, in the most genuine, pure and compassionate way.
A lot of gratitude is what overflows after having met Luís and all that he enjoys from each sharing of each moment! "
Fernando Fernandes
Fernando Fernandes
Inês Cruz
"(...) the transformation takes place on a level so subtle that we don't always notice it immediately."
“Incredible how Luís sometimes takes us gently and the transformation takes place on a level so subtle that we don't always notice it immediately. Other times, feels our openness and our energy, and ... let's go! It is to move and change, it is to move and change!
Thank you Luís, for your presence, for knowing you are there for the other, respecting and honoring the rhythm of the other, as few know how to do. “
Inês Cruz
Inês Cruz
Pedro Pires
"(...) allowed me to have deep insights (...)."
“In the dynamic of Family Panorama conducted by Luís Trindade, it was for me a unique experience of immersing myself introspectively in the family relationships of several generations.
An opportunity for personal development that allowed me to have deep insights and reframing a series of limiting behaviors and beliefs.
Gratitude for working together and growth as human beings.
Pedro Pires
Pedro Pires
Cátia Silva
"Having this perception changed my strategy, I focused on what was really important to me."
“I have been an entrepreneur for about 6 years, last year, after some changes in the business model and a change of country, I realized that there was something wrong with my work. I had many anxieties, often suffered from anxiety and I realized that I needed help. I turned to Luís because I realized that he could help me understand what was going on with the business. What he helped me to discover was much more than business, it was about me. We did several sessions and his availability was always far beyond what was expected. In addition, there is a depth in his work that allowed me to see clearly through my emotions, what was going on with me and the company. Having this perception, I changed my strategy, focused on what was really important to me. Today, my business and I are different, we are more integrated, more aligned with my principles, values ​​and intentions. It was not always an easy path but it has been very worthwhile for what brings me good and to those who work with me. ”
Cátia Silva
Cátia Silva
Claudia Afonso
"(...) once again he gave me tools to fight for me."
“I didn't look for Luís, Luís didn't look for me, it just happened, our paths crossed. At the time, I was far from thinking how much that moment was going to influence my life, but it did. Luís is a very special person who likes to learn more, to know more and mainly to share what he has learned throughout his life and has helped him so that what he has learned can help others to help themselves. It is in the essence of Luís to help and take care of others and he does this with Affection, Understanding, Care, Generosity and Intelligence. It doesn't solve my problems, my fears, these are mine, but it gives me the tools to solve them, to face for myself. I can have a conversation with Luís and at the end I think it was a banal conversation with nothing special, but next comes the after, the moment when all the words start to take shape in my mind and when I realize that he taught more, again he gave me tools to fight for me. It is a Special Being! ”
Cláudia Afonso
Claudia Afonso
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